Saturday, May 15, 2021


Solo canoe touring? Don’t be that guy who

• Doesn’t get first aid certified

• Chops wood in sandals

• Builds fires wearing synthetic fabrics

Try this stuff. Ranger chamois. Wears like iron. Cinders won’t set you on fire. Plus, wearing chamois is just the way it’s done en voyageur. 

These carbon-reinforced, pull on work boots are featherweight and supple for packing. No way you’re hatchet’s going through these things. 

And the folks at can set you up with the industry’s best Wilderness First Aid class so you can feel confident in a self-rescue. 

Of course, it helps in a capsize to have a PDF with a pocket for your compass, whistle, headlamp, SPOT beacon and fire starter.

So go back to the future with some old school kit (like boots and wool socks and flannels) and get out there!